Monday 27th March 2017

Mendoza to Cordoba. By public bus – left at about 10am, didn’t
arrive until about 9pm. Semi-Cama on a
Cata public coach. Reasonably comfortable, but all getting very restless. Rum
The trip started off in mountainous countryside with lovely
views of the Sierras. Then quite quickly changed to a monotonous flat
scrubland, semi desert/pampa. Then full
desert with dunes, and back to agricultural land. All dependent on whether they had mountains
nearby and ability to irrigate. Weird
formations of vegetation around a series of telegraph poles belonged to the
oven-bird which unfortunately weren’t present (or had been fried in the
electrical wires?).
Unfortunately no guide to meet us on arrival, so we wasted
time searching for one, then grabbed three taxis and made our own way to hotel.
Interestingly two taxis cost 50R with tip (about £2.50), the third cost 120R
for exact same trip. Didn’t find out till he had gone. Bas*ard.
Grabbed a quick pizza and beer from a bar very close to
hotel, whilst watching the local team on TV playing football. Very animated
crowd, unfortunately they lost.
Not the best of days. The pizza helped retrieve the
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