Friday 10th March 2017
Montevideo City Tour.
Quite a small city with a mixture of futuristic architecture, with
Spanish, Portuguese and some English, Armenian etc stately homes. A large number of masonic signs around the
city which seemed to stem from the British introducing Freemasonery in 1806 –
most of the Presidents since have also been Freemasons. They idolise Rivera, first President in 1830 after
freedom in 1825 – lots of statutes. Other
notable history event was the sinking of the Graf Spee in WW2 on the River
Plate. Weirdly, the Uruguayans have
three flags – liberty or death, Masonic, and the 5x strips blue/white flag.

Photo - original signed constitution
Public sector workers are still paid differently
although female pay is ‘getting closer’ to mens. At the recent 8th March International Women’s Day 150,000 people
marched, which is not bad for a country with about 4 million people. However, education is important, with all
schoolchildren getting a free tablet, as do any poorer people with income less
than 20,000 pesos (about £700). Fray Bentos, the meat producer is based here
and seems to be a major benefactor (also name of a Uruguayan town). The
population is aging and suffering from migration of the younger generation.

Drank the local ‘Mate’ drink – a thermos cup full of
tea-like leaf, which add hot water (cold water in other countries), and sup
through a solid filtering straw. Quite a pleasant tea/smokey flavour. The
Gauchos drink the same cup all through the day, adding hot water when empty – a
very sociable drink to pass the time.

The photo of wallet, is that of our guide, Hans. So many notes required for Iruguay Pesos, Argentine Pesos or US Dollars, plus various euro and sterling.

Then Lunch.... indoor market., Really funky. loads of crafts, food etc to buy. But the smell of wood-smoked barbeque with the best meats slowly cooking was just fabulous (sorry veggies!). We indulged. Big style. Huge steaks (best ask for rare, then if too bloody, they are happy to cook again. Better than overcooking).

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